WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The man found guilty of robbing WoodTrust Bank on Bridge Street in Wausau this summer has been sentenced to three years in prison and seven years of extended supervision.
Tommy Pittman was found guilty of one count of robbery of a financial institution back on September 7th after he entered a no contest plea to the charge. Judge Rick Cveykus handed down the sentence on Monday along with several conditions, including the completion of all treatment or counseling deemed appropriate by his agent.
The 55-year-old walked into the bank back in May and handed the teller a note demanding $50 and $100 bills. Officials did not disclose how much he made off with, but court records do show that he has been ordered to pay $850 in restitution plus a ten percent surcharge.
Police then released surveillance images of him and used license plate tracking technology to catch up with him in Northern Illinois, where he was arrested and extradited to Marathon County.
Pittman was granted credit for 152 days already served.