CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – In church for the last few months, my pastor has told the entire congregation to please, read your bible each day.
I have finally taken his words to heart. I’ve downloaded a bible app to my phone. There are dozens of them available. I’ve picked the one by OliveTree. Five stars; no ads. Each night before bed I usually check my email and social media, and then I read a bible verse. There are some apps that can be programmed so you’ll read the entire bible. A chapter from the gospels, from the old testament, and from the letters of the new testament, and you’ll read to entire bible in just under three years. Then… read it again. Like a good movie, you’ll pick up things you missed the second time through.
Here is a challenge for Christians. The foundation of your faith cannot be just attending church on Sunday. Yes, you will hear God’s word spoken, perhaps a verse or two, and then your pastor’s sermon. But that is his interpretation. It comes with all of your pastor’s biases and blind spots… and mistakes. Remember, religion comes from man and has all of mankind’s failings. The word, God’s message for us, is devine. And you and I may read exactly the same Bible passage and may come away with different meanings. And that’s fine. God wants each of us to know him personally, so of course his message will be received the same by all believers.
The Bible is God’s revelation to us. We are unlikely to see Jesus in the flesh during our lifetimes. I don’t expect God to speak to me from a burning bush or a thunderstorm. God tells me about Him through his holy word. If only we would read it.
The bible is like a parachute. It only works when open.
Chris Conley