MADISON, WI (WTAQ) — Governor Tony Evers would like to see recreational marijuana legalized in the next state budget.
But will it happen?
Democrats like Kristina Shelton (D-Green Bay) support it. She says legalizing and taxing marijuana in Wisconsin shouldn’t provoke a political battle.
“This is not a fight,” Shelton told WTAQ. “This is something that Wisconsinites overwhelmingly support. They overwhelmingly support medicinal, and the statistics are in our favor for recreational.”
She says the state is missing out on millions in revenue and economic growth by continuing marijuana prohibition while neighboring Michigan and Illinois have both legalized recreational Marijuana sale and use.
Republican Assemblyman Shae Sortwell (R-Gibson) says that his “libertarian leanings” lead him to support recreational marijuana, however he also thinks Governor Evers is using it as political theater.
“If it came to a vote, would I vote for recreational? Yeah, if it came to a vote, I would,” Sortwell said. “We all know that’s not where a lot of the people in the State Assembly and the State Senate are at and so I think it’s a little bit of playing politics.”
Sortwell has authored a bill that would decriminalize small amounts of marijuana, taking away the criminal penalty.
The leadership in the legislature’s joint finance committee has already indicated they oppose adding legalization to the state budget.