WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAU) — Wausau officials are already getting ready for some changes this election season. City Clerk Toni Rayala says residents of districts 3, 9, 10, and 11 have a new polling place for both the August primary and the November general election. Instead of the Youth Building at Marathon Park, those voters will now go to the National Guard Armory.
Rayala and other city officials got a look at the armory Wednesday. “I toured the National Guard and worked with one of the Majors over there, and it looks like its going to be a great setup, great facility, good parking. There’s a lot that we need to do to prepare for the layout, but again, I work with a wonderful crew from DPW (Department of Public Works) and we’re going to meet and set up some things so it’s a smooth flow for everyone.”
The clerk knows many people may try to vote at Marathon Park as a force of habit, but Rayala says they are preparing for that, too. “We have met to put up big signs at Marathon Park Youth Building, so that if people do mistakenly go there where their poll site used to be, there will be big signs letting them know where they do need to go to the National Guard Armory. For clarification, this is the Armory that is on 17th Avenue.”
This year, the Wisconsin Valley Fair overlaps the primary election, so the Youth Building will still have exhibits inside on election day. Rayala says the large number of people for the fair and the November election triggered concerns for safety. “We have emergency, City of Wausau emergency police that assist us. They’re all volunteers, and they have contacted me with concerns about the high traffic of crossing Garfield Avenue.”
Garfield Avenue is the street that enters Marathon Park from the east near the UW-Marathon County Campus. It is closed to thru traffic during the fair, and could have high traffic and parking issues in November.
Rayala says it’s a good idea to register to vote earlier than election day. “If you do want to get registered, please do it ahead of time prior to the November election, prior to the August election. It’s much easier than waiting in line and then it limits the congestion and everything right when people walk into the polling location, so if you need to register, if you’ve moved, if you’ve changed your name, you can come down to the clerk’s office anytime. Bring proof of residency and we’ll get you registered prior to the election and save those headaches on election day.”
(Above, you’ll find Wausau’s new map of the voting districts showing the polling places. The attachment above is the same map in PDF format, which may be easier for you to view.)