On Feedback this week, I shared the clip of an Indiana physician who recently addressed his local school board to educate them on the truth about the experimental injection. Watch it now before the Big Tech media overlords censor yet another American citizen exercising his freedom of speech!
The doctor asks pointed questions and makes several logical points:
Why are we having an outbreak in the middle of the summer when respiratory viral syndromes don’t do that?
Why are the fully “vaccinated” experiencing breakout cases? – 74% of those in MA were fully “vaccinated.”
Despite the experimental injection and when vitamin D levels are at their highest, why are we having another outbreak?
We cannot make this virus go away. You cannot stop the spread.
Stop taking advice from the CDC, NIH and government ‘health’ departments – it’s counter-factual.
Wake up America! The experimental injection is an unknown. Trust your immune system. Eat healthy. Use moderation. Increase your exercise. Change your unhealthy lifestyle and behaviors. A grody, unhygienic, ineffective piece of socialist cloth will not protect you or your neighbor. A virus with a 99.7% survivability rate should not be feared. A tyrannical government that uses fear, propaganda and coercion to manipulate its citizens should be resisted and ousted.
Channel your inner American and live your lives!