It’s no surprise that farming is expensive and unfortunately, it’s not getting any cheaper.
There was a study done that compared farming in 2018 to farming in 2019, which found that costs have risen. The average farm in Wisconsin spent $155,093 in 2018. That number rose in 2019 to $162,558.
All together, Wisconsin farmers spent $10.6 billion in 2019, which is a five percent increase from 2018. The biggest expense for farmers was feed costs. In 2019 farmers spent $2.15 billion on feed. To put that in perspective, that’s a 17% jump in price between the two years. Other categories that lead to farming being more expensive was rent, employees, machinery, and fertilizer.
On the bright side, there were multiple areas where the prices did drop. Farmers spent less on livestock, chemicals, fuel, and property taxes in 2019 compared to 2018.