MILWAUKEE, WI (Wisconsin Radio Network-WSAU) African-American elected officials in Milwaukee urge constituents not to be distracted by the presidential campaign of entertainer Kanye West.
Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley: “The only reason why Kanye West is pushing for this late registration to get on the ballot, is so he can be that distraction, and taking away votes from the Democratic nominee and giving those votes to Donald Trump.”
Milwaukee Common Council President Cavalier Johnson says the presidential campaign of entertainer Kanye West is a distraction. Without Wisconsin, Donald Trump does not win the White House. And so that’s why they’re trying to push Kanye to be on the ballot, in order to distract African Americans in our community to vote for him, in order to pull votes away from the other side.”
West’s campaign team – including an attorney for President Trump – turned in its signatures to the Wisconsin Elections Commission on Wednesday. There are questions as to whether they made the 5:00 PM deadline. The deadline to file challenges to nominating papers is Friday.