WASHINGTON, DC (WRN-WSAU) — Former Wisconsin Governor and Presidental candidate Scott Walker has been chosen to introduce current VP Mike Pence as the Republican Party’s nominee during this week’s virtual RNC based out of Charlotte, NC and Washington, DC.
Walker made the announcement during an interview on NBC’s Meet The Press Sunday, where he also dished out some advice for President Trump and Pence after last week’s Democratic Convention, which was based out of Milwaukee.
“Look forward, make the case that Joe Biden’s become radical,” said Walker. “I think the president’s clearly going to lay out his plans for the future, talking about how we get America working again, how we get America healthy again, and how we keep America safe. And you’re going to hear from people who benefited from criminal justice reform. You’re going to hear from Democrats who’ve walked away from Democrats who walked away from their party because of decades of mismanagement in some of our nation’s largest cities.”
He adds that he does believe the 2020 election hinges on how Wisconsin swings. “In Wisconsin, where there once upon a time were actually Obama-Walker voters who eventually went for Trump as well, they’ve got to show how they can get things going in the right direction. And then contrast that with Joe Biden, who has really outsourced his agenda to the radical left of his party, including his running mate who according to Newsweek has got a voting record that’s more liberal than Bernie Sanders.”