This is exactly how liberal fact checks lie and deceive. The liberal fact checks debunk things they make about what is said, in the hopes people just read false and move on. I will give you an example like the video does. If I state the absolute fact that masks do not stop viruses. The virus is too small and the fibers of most masks can not hold it. That is a scientific fact that will never change. But liberal Fact checks will say my clam is false. If you read why they say it is false you find out they are liars. They will cite studies showing masks blocking spital and how masks stop spit and sneezes. Bill Nye the science guy will say I am wrong because he can’t blow out a birthday candle while wearing a mask. Notice they are all deceivers. I am not saying a mask can’t block spit or block blowing air across a room. I said it can’t block a virus! The VIRUS will go through the mask in all those scenarios. But they don’t even address what I said, they pretend I said something else and then deceive you.
Liberal fact checks are the opposite of what they claim to be. They are liberal opinion and liberal lies designed to trick you and make you reject the truth. And, if you are already liberal, they are there to make you stay in the dark and make you feel better when someone confronts you with the truth so you don’t change and escape from your liberal prison.