MILWAUKEE, WI (WTAQ) — We know who’s supposed to be getting vaccinated against COVID-19 in Wisconsin. Healthcare workers and those over the age of 65–but others in the state are getting vaccinated as well.
That includes 33-year-old Milwaukee Bucks executive Alex Lasry, who was vaccinated this week at a senior care facility, ahead of even 69-year-old Governor Tony Evers.
“I, personally, and my wife have not jumped the line,” Evers said Friday. “are still waiting for our primary care physician to give us a call and we’ll go at that time.”
Lasry’s vaccination, according to DHS Deputy Secretary Julie Willems Van Dijk, may not necessarily be a case of corruption, however. It could be a case of vaccinators trying not to waste vaccine.
“Once you’ve gone into a vial you can’t just put it back in the refrigerator and use the rest tomorrow,” Van Dijk explained. “You have to empty that particular vial.”
That leads to some people, even healthy, young adults, getting the vaccine out-of-order. Lasry said he was contacted by a friend who told him about several extra vaccine doses that needed to be given at a senior care facility before they stopped vaccinating for the day.
The number of people vaccinated in the state of Wisconsin is approaching the half million mark.