Governor Tony Evers has stated that Wisconsin Republicans repealing his statewide mask mandate is “comparable to abolishing speed limits.” I won’t even respond to how demented that statement is. The bottom line: The left is hell bent on manipulating people’s minds and controlling their lives. The sooner people grasp that, the better.
It’s not yet Groundhog Day, but it certainly appears that the Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature are afraid of their own shadows. They claimed (through their genius pollsters) that they didn’t want to make any move prior to the 2020 election for fear it would jeopardize President Trump’s re-election. How’d that work out?
Has anybody bothered to ask “the experts” to explain how long a healthy person can be “asymptomatic?” Forever?
This past week, I spoke with a friend who stated that like me, she refuses to wear a mask. If she’s asked to leave a local business where she had intended on spending her hard-earned money, she leaves. Her principled response is a tribute to her father, who bravely served our country defending his fellow American’s liberties and freedoms. Due to the injuries that he sustained in combat, she will forever carry with her the memories of her father’s lifelong suffering and the pain that her family endured alongside him.
Perhaps it will take inspiration from the 50,000 restaurant owners in Italy who opened their businesses in defiance of the country’s strict lockdown regulations to wake up my fellow Americans. Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
BOLOGNA, ITALY: Customers escort police out of the #IoApro restaurant under the cries of "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!" pic.twitter.com/XDxLctTGYR
— Robin Monotti FRSA (@robinmonotti) January 16, 2021
In May 2020, our state’s Supreme Court struck down Governor Evers’ illegal emergency orders. And since then, the Evers’ administration has illegally extended the emergency orders four more times, which includes this ridiculous endless mask mandate. If the Republican-controlled legislature hasn’t the will to act, and the Supreme Court hasn’t yet ruled on the pending lawsuit filed by Wisconsin citizens, it’s time to take a deep maskless breath and come to your senses.
This freedom-grabbing madness will end when YOU stop rolling over.
If you don’t want to wear a mask, don’t wear one. Take your freedom back – today.