GREEN BAY, WI (WTAQ) – “And Liz Cheney said we can’t move forward unless we’re willing to accept the truth.”
Congresswoman Liz Cheney plans to fight to help restore the Republican party. She’ll be getting some help from a familiar face to NE Wisconsin.
Reid Ribble won election to represent the 8th Congressional District 3 times. He’s joining Cheney, and dozens of others in a effort to lead like-minded Republicans away from the hold Donald Trump and his allies have over the current make up of the GOP.
“We do want the party to move away from populism, and to more traditional conservative values.”
He believes Congressional Republicans are stuck in the past….continuing to publicly promote the belief the 2020 election was stolen from former President Trump.
“They’re doubling down on the strategy that brought them to this place of dysfunction, which then led to what happened on January 6th.”
Ribble says there was a better way to handle that discussion.
“That should have been dealt with in the party, in the conference, and not in the public.”
As for where things go from here….
“I would think over the next 6 to 8 months we’ll be working with pragmatic members of the House of Representatives.”
Ribble was a guest on WTAQ’s Morning News with Matt & Earl.