MADISON, WI (WTAQ) — State officials have a clear message for those thinking about creating or buying fake COVID-19 vaccination cards:
Anthony Baize is the Wisconsin DHS Inspector General. He says two Wisconsinites may face charges for manufacturing fake vaccine cards.
“We’re meeting with our different law enforcement partners to find out how to proceed,” Baize told WTAQ Monday.
A Chicago-area pharmacist is facing federal charges for unauthorized use of the CDC logo for selling vaccine cards online.
Not only is it potentially criminal, it might not even work.
Baize says that fake cards, some of which have come in from overseas, likely won’t hold up to any serious scrutiny.
“Every immunization is entered into the Wisconsin immunization registry,” said Baize. “So if you have a fake card and your employer, or your school, suspects that it’s fake, they can verify whether or not you’ve been immunized.”
Baize says it’s also a safety concern.
“It can have the potential of of doing some very serious damage to somebody’s care that they receive if they have a false entry in their medical records,” said Baize.
Baize says the state has received several additional reports of fraudulent COVID-19 vaccine cards through their online portal. Such reports will likely increase as vaccine mandates are implemented throughout the private sector.