MADISON, WI (WSAU) — Governor Tony Evers has signed 19 bills into law.
Among those are bills that create a standard thickness and reflectivity for vehicle license plates; requiring any plate that’s more than 10 years old to be replaced. The measure also increases the cost of purchasing a set of replacement plates from $2 to $4.
Another bill allows municipalities to post speed limits on highways for ATV’s or UTV’s, provided that the highway is under the municipality’s jurisdiction.
Additionally, a disclosure of milage document will be required to obtain a title for any vehicle that’s less than 20 years old. Previously, that threshold had been ten years.
The complete list of bills can be found below:
Senate Bill 104, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 160:
Modifies the Department of Children and Families’ administrative code to specify that gross income for child support purposes includes veterans disability compensation benefits and military allowances, including basic allowances for subsistence and housing, but excluding amounts attributable to area variable housing costs.
Senate Bill 108, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 161:
Adopts the Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act, prepared and promulgated by the Uniform Law Commission, to provide a process and standards for a temporary delegation of custodial responsibilities when a parent is deployed on military or other national service.
Senate Bill 396, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 162:
Modifies the interest rate a taxing district pays to a taxpayer who files a successful claim to recover unlawful property taxes from the current 0.8 percent per month to the average annual rate determined by the most recent six-month Treasury bill auction, matching the interest rate applied when a taxpayer successfully challenges an excessive property assessment.
Senate Bill 429, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 163:
Creates standards for the thickness and reflectivity of motor vehicle registration plates;
Increases the existing fee to replace a lost or damaged plate from $2 to $4 a plate; and
Creates a 10-year replacement cycle to issue new motor vehicle registration plates with a parallel fee of $4 a plate.
Senate Bill 506, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 164:
Allows counties, cities, towns or villages to post speed limits that are applicable only to all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and utility terrain vehicles (UTVs) for highways under the local government’s jurisdiction.
Senate Bill 557, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 165:
Expands the authority of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents to manage the investment of certain system revenues through a financial manager, a private investment firm, or the State of Wisconsin Investment Board, instead of investing these moneys in the state investment fund.
Senate Bill 561, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 166:
Makes a series of changes to records retention requirements for a condominium association and the access to those records by a unit owner.
Senate Bill 569, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 167:
Increases the amount that a nonprofit organization may pay for entertainment under the existing sales tax exemption for certain entertainment admissions sold by a nonprofit organization from $10,000 to $50,000.
Senate Bill 590, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 168:
Provides additional clarity to condominium documents; and
Makes various changes to condominium law.
Senate Bill 603, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 169:
Extends the authority of a court commissioner to preside over a hearing in a family action for legal separation under certain circumstances.
Senate Bill 606, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 170:
Requires the Department of Transportation to publish on its website certain information pertaining to the transportation infrastructure loan program and to report to the Legislature each new award made under the program.
Senate Bill 625, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 171:
Adds several routes to the list of specific highway segments for which the Department of Transportation may issue an oversize or overweight permit for the transport of forest product loads that conform to Michigan laws.
Senate Bill 640, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 172:
Changes the age of a car that requires a disclosure of mileage to obtain a title from less than 10 years old to less than 20 years old.
Senate Bill 664, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 173:
Directs the Department of Natural Resources to utilize unobligated Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program bonding authority for water infrastructure projects at state parks.
Senate Bill 682, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 174:
Creates an exception to the statute of limitations for real estate actions that would apply to easements set forth in a recorded instrument allowing a person to travel across another’s land.
Senate Bill 692, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 175:
Makes various changes to the property assessed clean energy (PACE) program, including expanding the types of projects eligible for PACE financing and changes to the requirements for accessing that financing.
Senate Bill 727, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 176:
Combines six of the Department of Natural Resources’ ATV and UTV appropriations into three appropriations, repeals an obsolete appropriation, and combines two transfer appropriations.
Senate Bill 863, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 177:
Makes various changes related to the State of Wisconsin Investment Board.
Assembly Bill 481, now 2021 Wisconsin Act 178:
Allows owners of ten or more vehicles that weigh less than 8,000 pounds to register those vehicles as a fleet;
Requires annual registration for fleet vehicles;
Creates a mandatory electronic process for renewal of fleet vehicle registrations; and
Repeals a current law provision that allowed a three-year registration period for fleet vehicles.