WESTON, WI (WSAU) — The Weston Trustees have approved funding for PFAS filtration testing with AECOM.
Director of Public Works Michael Wodalski says he’s hopeful that those results will show success with a Granular Activated Carbon filtration system because their current drinking water treatment plant is already set up for that.
“It would be the most cost-effective, long-term treatment option. The facility is already pipped and set up for that,” said Wodalski.
If that doesn’t work he says an Ion Exchange system could be temporarily installed to allow them to find a more permanent solution.
Officials chose AECOM instead of putting out a request for proposals because of the time-sensitive nature of the issue. Wodalski also noted that they have a history of dealing with the village’s water, which gives them a leg up on everyone else. “Every well is different, every aquifer is slightly different. Even though we are generally close to each other. Wausau and Rothschild [have their wells] very close to the Wisconsin River. They likely have different characteristics than the wells that we have.”
Village President Mark Maloney noted that if there were more time to handle the issue, the village would go to bids.
The $45,700 deal was approved unanimously. Village Administrator Keith Donner noted that they have already sent some water samples to AECOM for testing, meaning the funding will give them the go-ahead to start as soon as possible.