WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Just one meeting remains for Wausau’s Policing Task Force after Wednesday’s public hearing on the group’s draft findings.
In a roughly one-hour meeting, the group took public comments from two individuals. Both of whom praised the task force and the department for their work and discussed issues surrounding mental health and assistance for the homeless.
Task Force Members also had the chance to provide feedback. Former Alder Pat Peckham praised the department’s professionalism and high standards for everyone on the force. Marathon County Board Supervisor and Police and Fire Commission member William Harris said he doesn’t want the Task Force’s work to be thought of as punishment for the department or brought on because the Police did something wrong.
“I look at this as an opportunity,” said Harris. “A lot of organizations go through a review or evaluation and I think that’s how we should look at this.”
Mayor Katie Rosenberg and Chair John Robinson also went through the group’s presentation again for all in attendance, which will be finalized by Monday.
Robinson noted that the group will be disbanded shortly after Monday’s meeting and will not oversee the implementation of any new policies or procedures. Those will be handled by city committees such as the Police and Fire Commission, Public Health and Safety Committee, and City Council.