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STEVENS POINT, WI (WAOW TV-WSAU) — The City of Stevens Point’s Housing Taskforce got into deep discussion Wednesday, ultimately voting to recommend a change to the city’s zoning code, as leaders and residents say changes are needed to keep people housed.
“This is not going away. This isn’t a problem that requires a small solution; it requires pretty big thinking and right now,” said Mark Kordus, the city’s Neighborhood Improvement Coordinator.
The recommended change involved the inclusion of the word “family” to define how many people can live in certain units and who can live with whom.
The taskforce voted to recommend either the term be dropped from the zoning code entirely or to redefine a family as up to four unrelated people.
According to materials from Wednesday’s meeting, the current definition of “family” by city code would not allow for an unmarried couple to rent a room from a friend.
“As a parent who has a son who is homeless, it’s a struggle in this community and there are not a lot of options for where people should live and can live,” said Gregg Hansel, who lives in Stevens Point.
This discussion comes as the family dynamic has changed for many people, and several municipalities statewide like Plover have different rules that define a family.
“It is morally and ethically beyond the bounds of the city to make that kind of definition,” said Jane Johnson, a taskforce member.
Data from 2020 provided in the meeting materials also shows nearly 30% of its residents are considered “housing insecure.” FROM 2020 ALSO SHOWS NEARLY 30-PERCENT OF ITS RESIDENTS ARE CONSIDERED “HOUSING INSECURE.”
“If you’re facing 35% of your income going to rent or more, you’re immediately in that group of people who have to take this issue seriously, said Bob Gifford, who lives in Stevens Point.
This discussion comes as some are labeling the current situation as a crisis, and with a Wisconsin winter looming, it could get worse.
“This is an immediate situation, and if people are the point, we have to maximize housing in this city, now. Winter is coming,” Johnson exclaimed.
The city’s Plan Commission will go over the taskforce’s recommendations at an upcoming meeting.