Schofield City Hall. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
SCHOFIELD, WI (WSAU) — The City of Schofield is closing in on a development agreement with SC Swiderski for new apartments and condos at the soon-to-be-vacated City Hall site.
The Community Development Authority met Thursday to go over two different options for how to situate the development on the land, which will include both condominiums and apartments. Mayor Kregg Hoehn says he feels the proposed development put forward by Swiderski will be a positive for the neighborhood while adding valuable waterfront housing to the region. “It’ll be 12 condos with an apartment building,” said Hoehn. “[It’s also] the one Swiderski would prefer to go with.”
The proposal calls for 91 apartments to go with the condominiums. There will also be both surface and underground parking to go with the development.
RELATED: Schofield Hears Two Proposals For City Hall Property
Swiderski’s proposal had originally included 97 market-rate apartments. That proposal, which was originally presented to the city in September, called for construction as soon as next May, with the units ready for occupancy by September 2025. During Thursday’s meeting, some on the CDA noted that Swiderski may build the condos first and sell them, allowing for more capital for the apartment building.
The city also took proposals from Lokre and Madison-based Commonwealth Development.
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The city and Swiderski still need to complete a development agreement. Hoehn says that will take a few months to finalize because there are still several factors that need to be considered including how to handle the addition of up to 200 vehicles in the neighborhood once the development is full. That would include traffic flow and noise barriers. “This is a quiet neighborhood and we want to keep it that way as much as we can. With the number of people we are looking at putting in here, you want to keep it relatively quiet,” said Hoehn.
The City Council will meet on December 13th to approve the CDA’s recommendation.