WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Voters in Wausau Districts 1, 2, and 6 could see their polling places move for what promises to be a busy 2024 election season.
City Clerk Kaitlyn Bernarde says a recent audit by the Elections Commission of the Sylvan Hill Chalet found loose asphalt and a steep incline from the parking lot to the building, which don’t meet ADA requirements for polling sites. The proposal calls for those voters to be moved to the Good Shepard Lutheran Church on Edgewood Road.
“The Elections Commission follows state statutes that lay out what ADA requirements poll sites need to be accessible for all to vote,” said Bernarde. “We were audited at the February primary this year.”
Bernarde adds that the city tried to brainstorm solutions to the issues at Sylvan Hill, but it became clear that the best solution would be to select a new polling site for District 6 voters.
Meanwhile, voters on the southeast side in Districts 1 and 2 may have their polling place shifted for the first time in more than ten years. The proposal calls for the city to abandon Pilgrim Lutheran Church for the new Lakeview Conference Center at NCHC. Bernarde says the benefits of the Lakeview Conference Center include better parking and more space, which will make for better traffic flow, especially at peak times.
The Public Health and Safety Committee voted unanimously to approve the changes on Monday, sending them on to the full council for consideration at a future meeting. If approved, all impacted voters will be notified by mail.
Bernarde also noted National Voter Registration Day, which is Tuesday. While there isn’t anything for voters in Wausau to decide this November, she says it does serve as a reminder to have your registration up to date before 2024.
“If [residents] are not already registered at their current address they should go to myvote.wi.gov and register. Or they can stop in at [the Clerk’s office] and pick up a voter registration application so they are all set to go for our busy election year next year,” said Bernarde.
She adds that those who are registered should also double-check their information to make sure it’s accurate, or to see if they have a standing absentee ballot application on file.
The 2024 election cycle could bring as many as four votes for Wausau residents beginning in February with local primaries, if needed. The Spring Election follows in April. Another round of primaries could be needed in August before the November General Election- which will feature Presidental, Congressional, and Senate races.