CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – If you forget to set your clocks back an hour before going to bed on Saturday night, you’ll show up for church an hour early on Sunday morning.
A minister friend of mine observed this many years ago… three or four or five in his congregation would arrive early when we returned to Standard Time, and would be puzzled why the church was otherwise empty. My minister friend would say, half jokingly, “God has brought you to me for a reason, and I have a message for you.” And he would preach for about 10 minutes… then we’d have coffee.
I remember one of these messages for the time-challenged. It was this: “God wastes nothing. If you show up at church an hour early, let’s make the most of it.” Why? Because God doesn’t appear to most of us in a thunderbolt or in a burning bush. I’ve never had that experience with God. Actually, I’m a little jealous of those who have had an experience that erases all doubt in their minds. My relationship with God has been a slower, longer conversation. God doesn’t shout at me. He whispers. And over time, I’ve become certain that he exists… that his word is true… and that he is my God.
The challenge for me, and I think for many of you who in today’s audience, is to set aside quiet times when we can hear God’s whispers. Years ago, my life was too busy for faith. I still have a busy schedule, but I set aside time to attend Church each Sunday, to read the bible each morning, and to pray each night. I have many responsibilities during the day. But it is all noise and a waste of energy if there aren’t quiet moments when God can talk to me.
Today, God is speaking. Will you quiet yourself and make time to listen?
Chris Conley
I’ve learned of some new needs at the Gospeal TLC, the transformational living center in Weston where addicts and the homeless are building new lives for themselves. They need disposable razors, large and extra-large mens boxer shorts, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and ziplock bags. Those items can be dropped off at the Gospel TLC’s building on Crosse Point Boulevard, near the hospital, in Weston.
And if you’d like to become a monthly supporter of the Gospel TLC, I have a link here.