November 17, 2023 – The National Dairy Promotion and Research Board (NBD) selected Connie Seefeldt as a 2023 recipient of the Richard E Lyng Award. Seefeldt, the longest-serving board member in Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin history, earned this prestigious honor due to her outstanding service to the dairy industry.
The Lyng Award is named after former U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Richard E. Lyng, who played a key role in implementing policies that led to the establishment of the NDB more than 25 years ago, and it honors dairy industry leaders who have made a significant contribution to dairy promotion that benefits the entire dairy industry.
Seefeldt, who is recognized for her leadership, her strong, authentic voice, her passion for the dairy mission, her non-stop drive, and her commitment to dairy education, officially receives the award at the National Dairy Board (NDB), National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), United Dairy Industry Association (UDIA) meeting in Orlando, FL on November 13-15, 2023.
“Dairy farmers like Connie are truly the largest asset to agriculture as they are spokespersons, advocates, influencers, and storytellers,” said Chad Vincent, CEO, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin. “Connie’s passion for dairy farming, generosity with her time and energy, talent for working with others, and overall dedication to driving the dairy industry forward are unparalleled.”
Seefeldt has made a significant impact in building demand for our dairy farmers’ milk through her leadership and decision-making on DFW’s Board of Directors since 1994, and through her roles on UDIA and NDB. She also actively encourages other dairy farmers to become involved and learn more about checkoff and dairy promotion. Through news media and social media, she educates consumers about dairy products and dairy farming, and she serves as a role model in the national dairy industry and in her own community.