Governor Tony Evers at a workforce listening session in Wausau. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Governor Tony Evers spent part of his Monday in Wausau at Kolbe Windows and Doors learning about how the Wausau staple has grown and retained its workforce.
During the roundtable discussion, Evers had the chance to hear about how Kolbe partners with local childcare providers and provides an on-site clinic for employees. He said those strategies are things that every employer in the state could learn from.
“It’s a great example of a company that’s caring about their workers and going above and beyond,” said Evers.
The Governor also noted that childcare shortages are one of the biggest issues facing the state because of the domino effect it can create. “Many times both parents work, and they need childcare. If we don’t step up [on our end] many of them will close. When they close, that takes people out of the workforce. That is the opposite of what we should be doing.”
The stop was part of Evers’ “Year of the Worker” tour.
Evers didn’t tip his hand regarding three of the four proposals heading his way from the Republican-controlled legislature. “I would say the childcare deduction is likely to be signed. The others, I’ll just take a look at. I’m open to it.”
RELATED: Wisconsin Republicans Introduce Tax Cut Proposals
The proposals also include removing the state tax on some retirement funds withdrawals such as those from a pension or an IRA, increasing the tax credit for a married couple to $870, and an adjustment of the top line of the state’s second tax bracket from $38,190 to $150,00 for a married couple filing jointly.
“I want to make sure it’s around the issues of middle-class taxpayers. Hopefully, I can [sign them] but we’re working on it,” added Evers. “No hedging, we’ll take a look.”