WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau City Council has approved issuing a request for proposals from planners for the north riverfront area despite pushback from some Alders.
Lou Larson started the discussion by questioning why the city’s planning staff couldn’t complete the work. Assistant Planner Andrew Lynch said they are looking for a special skill set. “[We’re looking for] a firm that has delt with the redevelopment of industrial sites, especially superfund sites. How to work around those.”
Council President Lisa Rasmussen added that there is value in having an outside group bring their perspective to the area, especially when it comes to preserving riverfront access while also increasing the city’s tax base.
Alders Larson, Vicki Tierney, Terry Kilian, and Becky McElhaney voted no. The proposal came to the full council on a 2-2 (failed) vote from the Economic Development Committee, where Kilian and Tierney also voted no.
The area in question covers city-owned land along the Wisconsin River north of Bridge Street. Areas included are the former Wausau Chemical and Great Lakes Cheese sites and the former drinking water treatment plant.
The request for proposals will be published on the city’s website and distributed to consultants that the city has worked with in the past. Proposals will be opened and considered at meetings later this summer.