zeferli@gmail.com / Depositphotos.com
CONLEY COMMENTARY – Here’s a scary Halloween story.
What if all the prominent Democrats who are calling Donald Trump a fascist have a different purpose? What if the already suspect that Trump is likely to win, and they are sewing the seeds to disrupt his agenda after the election?
Imagine this scenario: a day or days of rage are planned in deep blue cities around the country. As night falls, the protests quickly descend into violence. President Trump offers federal assistance to put down the riots. But the mayors and governors in blue states refuse. Police are numberered and outgunned.
That’s not such a far-fetched story. You recall that Governor Evers refused President Trump’s assistance in Kenosha. It took three days for the national guard to arrive – three days for the city to burn.
So after a Trump win, will Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Chicago – and perhaps Milwaukee and Madison, too – become ungovernable?
Here’s where the fascist and Hitler name-calling gets tricky. There are people of all political persuasions in our national guard. What if some are Kamala Harris supporters and believe all those things about Donald Trump being a dictator. Would they obey Hitler’s orders? Or, what was once unthinkable, would there be breakdowns somewhere within the chain of command? Would some soldiers or some units refuse to act on Hitler’s commands?
Where does that lead? Would we have a splintered country. Would there be some states and cities that become unsafe for Trump supporters? Remember calling people “garbage” is the language of dehumanization. Once someone is dehumanized, all kinds of horrible things can happen to them. I can easily imagine people be dragged out of their cars if they have a Trump bumper sticker on it and land in the wrong neighborhood.
We are told that Trump’s supporters were election deniers in 2020. What if the other side is sewing the seeds of something far more dangerous after Election Day in 2024?
Chris Conley