The Wisconsin Elections Commission. PC: Fox 11 Online
MADISON, WI (WTAQ-WRN) — Staff of the Wisconsin Elections Commission will investigate nearly 200 uncounted absentee ballots in Madison.
During a special meeting Monday, Commission chair Anne Jacobs made der case.
“Given the seriousness of what happened here, our lack of knowledge, information that was not given to us in a timely fashion.”
About all that’s known at this point is that Madison election officials discovered 193 absentee ballots weeks after the November 5th election. WEC was made aware of the missing ballots on December 18, the mayor’s office and the public after that.
The vote to conduct the investigation was unanimous.
In a statement, Mayor Satya Rhodes said she agrees that an investigation can help provide transparency and accountability, as well as hopefully provide lessons that all Wisconsin clerks can learn to prevent similar errors in the future.