rghenry / Depositphotos.com
CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – Earlier this year I was ask to be an Elder at my church. And I am learning much more about servant leadership.
I don’t need notoriety on Sundays during church service. Being behind this microphone five days a week is all the notoriety I need.
When He appeared on the beach to his disciples after his resurrection, Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Do you love me more than these?” These is left undefined on purpose – Christ asks us today ‘Do you love me more than money… more than notoriety… more than leadership of others?’ Peter says, “Lord, you know all things. You know I love you.” And Jesus tells him, “Feed my lambs.”
Being a church leader at The Cross church involves moving chairs and tables after the church service, or taking out the garbage, or arranging for housing for people who are homeless, and arranging rides to get people to and from church or to and from their jobs. It is not glamorous work. We’re not a big church and we’re not a wealthy church. If there’s something that needs to be done, it’s probably you or me that needs to do the doing.
One of Jesus’ most common lessons to his disciples is that if you want to follow him, you have to help others. And there are no biblical examples of Jesus not deciding to help people because he deemed them unworthy. Our job is to help. What the recipient of that help does is after that up to them. There’s always the possibility that help you offer will be unappreciated, or you won’t get as lavish a “thank you” as you expected. That’s not part of the deal.
Christ calls on us to extend uncommon generosity to all people. In the week ahead, consider who you might help.
Chris Conley