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MADISON, WI (WSAU) – Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has proposed raising fees on the one-time new vehicle title fee to pay for the state’s upcoming road and bridge repair projects.
According to the FDL Reporter, Evers’s plan would increase the fees by at least 70%, or $120, which would raise the state’s tax intake by $122.4 million in the fiscal year 2026 and by $160.2 million in 2027. Another fee the governor has proposed raising is the driver’s license renewal fee from $24 to $32.50, which would add another $3.2 million to the tax roll in 2026.
This funding would “support the repair and development of Wisconsin roadways,” the budget document stated.
According to the Department of Transportation, a Ford F-150 truck or a comparable model would still cost roughly $361 in fees and taxes despite the price rise, compared to $966 in Minnesota, $941 in Illinois, and $663 in Michigan.
State Sen. Cory Tomczyk, R-Mosinee, who chairs the Senate Transportation Committee, is critical of the proposal, saying in an emailed statement to the outlet, “The governor is absolutely out of his mind. Paying nearly $200 for title fees is absurd. I cannot believe the Governor would even suggest this. The governor needs your money so he can spend it on expanding government to plunge the state into debt. I will not condemn the people of Wisconsin to pay these outlandish budget requests.”
Speaker of the Assembly Robin Vos has previously stated that Evers’ budgetary suggestions are doomed from the start and will be eliminated throughout the legislative budget process.