CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – My Great Dane, Argos, is big and dopey. But he’s also protective and unfailingly loyal.
Argos also has only one cat friend. Argos allows Faye Kitty to come up on the bed with him. The two snuggle together. Argos won’t tolerate the other cats. He’ll paw at Coca Kitty, and he’ll chase Montague under the bed. I have no idea why he is the great protector of one kitty and wants nothing to do with the others. Faye was the only cat in my household who befriended Argos when he arrived as a puppy three years ago. Today Argos is a massive 140 pound dog.
Jesus asks us to call on him for unwavering friendship and support. In John, Jesus says “I am the gate for the sheep.” Jesus says anyone else in the sheep’s pen is a robber and a thief. “As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he is with them, so will I look after my sheep. I will rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.”
Jesus teaches that if just one sheep is lost, the good shepherd leaves his flock and goes and finds the one. And the shepherd celebrates when the lost sheep is found.
Argos and Faye are like that. When he’s allowed to roam the house, he usually lays down on the living room couch. Faye kitty will come up and snuggle into the small of his back. And from then on, she is the blessed kitty. All the other cats fight over who is boss at the litter box or the food bowl. Faye is queen because she made friends with the dog. The others didn’t.
Jesus also says “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
Faye is also the boldest cat around people. She’s the only one who rolls onto her back for belly rubs. She allows people to pick her up and scratch behind her ears. And why wouldn’t she do things that other cats won’t. She knows the benefits of having a powerful friend.
Jesus promises you eternal life and forgiveness of sin in his precious blood. Couldn’t you use a friend like that?
Chris Conley