Wausau School District. MWC file photo.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Voters in Wausau may get another 1-2 punch of school financing questions on the April election ballot.
The Wausau School Board is set to meet Monday evening to discuss two questions that may go before voters during the non-partisan election. One question asks for $4 million in recurring funds annually to add to current staffing levels and fund short-term projects. District officials also say the funds would help guard against what they call “unpredictable state funding,” according to a presentation on the issue that will be made at Monday’s meeting.
Funds would be used for positions like guidance counselors, social workers, and behavioral intervention specialists.
The second issue would ask for nearly $149 million in funding for building improvements at Grant Elementary and a remodeling project at Horace Mann Middle School that would house an expanded Montessori School.
That question would also provide funds for maintenance projects at other district buildings including secure entrances and community rooms.
If approved by the board it would be the second time in as many elections that the district has proposed two financing referendum questions to residents. During the November general election, the district asked for $150 million for various district projects including the merger of Grant and Lincoln Elementary schools into a new building at the site of Grant. Lincoln would have then been re-modeled for a new Montessori School. It also included funding for various other projects. The second asked for $3 million to fund staff and pay for other operational expenses.
Both measures failed with 54% voting against the building projects. The operational referendum was closer, with 50.67% voting no.
Monday’s meeting is being held at the John Muir Middle School Auditorium at 5 PM and can also be streamed live on YouTube.