Imagine if your candidate just won the presidency (by hook or by crook) and your party controls both chambers in the United States House of Representatives. Imagine looking forward to four years of your Santa wish list of entitlements and America-killing initiatives, because “God bless the whole world equally, no exceptions!” Imagine in one fell-swoop, being cured of Trump Derangement Syndrome and the success of disenfranchising 74+ million American voters. Your party beat the odds and socialism is on the horizon. More big government, more dependency, more government promises to run your daily lives. What more could you ask for?
Are you happy? Nope. That glass is still half empty. Your velcro shoes won’t stay fastened. There’s still someone with whom you disagree out there disrupting your karma because not everyone embraces your narrow view of the truth. You’re still miserable and you feel compelled to spread your anger and hatred to those confounded cheerful conservatives. How can they possibly be amiable after all of your efforts to drag them down with you?
Despite this unfortunate outlook, we conservatives dust ourselves off, get up in the morning with a sense of optimism, an ability to seize the day, hug our family members and smile at mere strangers. Why is that? Because first and foremost, we are thankful for our many blessings. We are thrilled that we have a Creator that loves us and we know that the best is yet to come. We can be happy in the moment, despite the circumstances around us.
I am so very grateful to be a conservative.
The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer