Kai Hendry / CC
STEVENS POINT, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – Portage County is likely to put a mask ordinance in place after this week’s state Supreme Court ruling.
“We are finalizing the work on our own order that provides a clear path forward for county businesses and residents. That path will help us continue to avoid some of the tumults that local jurisdictions have been through since the state’s response was shifted to us last year,” said County Executive Chris Holman. “Because there does not seem to be any sort of plan for the state at this time, and the Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday significantly limits the Governor’s and DHS’ response to many aspects of this pandemic, local governments are left in the position of whether or not to respond in some manner.”
In a press release, officials say “residents can expect the county’s order to be issued within the next several days.”
A statewide mask mandate was struck down on Wednesday, in a ruling that says Governor Tony Evers cannot issue successive emergency orders without getting approval from the legislature. While the court order blocks a statewide mask mandate, orders from counties and municipalities are still allowed.