Students protest mask requirements at Medford High School. Image courtesy: WAOW TV
MEDFORD, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – A group fo 25 students walked out of class at Medford High School on Friday, protesting their schools face-coving requirements.
The students want face masks to be optional instead of mandatory.
The students carried signed around the building as classes began at 8am, and then marched into town.
Taylor County has 24 active COVID-19 cases, and has been averaging 1 to 3 new cases each day for the past week. The county reports 30 people in isolation, and no hospitalizations for COVID.
Their school district doesn’t require masks for students in kindergarten through 4th grade, but does require them for 5th grade through high school.
District’s Superintendent Pat Sullivan told WAOW-TV that he fully supports the student’s right to protest, but would rather hear from them and their families at school board meetings rather than interrupting the school day.