Wausau School District. MWC file photo.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — A change to masking requirements is coming to a Wausau School District.
As several local school districts are removing masking requirements the issue came before the Wausau School Board. During the Board’s update on the Project Relaunch plan, an unexpected motion was made by Jon Creisher to make masks optional in schools immediately.
Initial concerns were raised about the introduction of the motion by Board Treasurer Lance Trollop regarding the timing of the motion. Trollop explains that motions voted on at the regular board meeting usually go through a committee meeting first.
“It goes through the Education and Operations meeting. Which is only next week, it’s not very far from now. That’s what alerts people we’re discussing it. And then if it has a majority approval, then it goes to either the regular meeting or a special meeting to approve. Very outside the norm for us to vote on something like this on a first time first read at a regular meeting,”.
Along with the timing concern raised by Trollop, Board Member Jane Rusch mentioned regular District communication about board meetings through email were delayed for Monday’s meeting. The email communication includes a meeting agenda for school staff and members of the public to know what topics are being discussed at School Board meetings.
Despite the voiced concerns, the Board considered the motion as masking had been included in Project Relaunch updates at prior meetings. To begin discussion on the motion, District Superintendent Dr. Keith Hilts shared the Districts current recommendation for masks.
“Organizations don’t do well with unpredictable, sudden changes. That’s why I jumped ahead and communicated to elementary families so they could have some idea of what we’re talking about. I would say we maintain our course of action for the rest of the school year.
“Summer school it’s been communicated that it would be masked and 3 feet [of physical distance]. They signed up with the expectation that there would be masks. We want confidence and pride in this district. Then when we communicate something, they have to know that that’s what we’re going to do,”.
Some members of the board were in favor of staying with the original motion and making the requirement optional. While after hearing from Superintendent Hilts other members preferred having masks remain mandatory until the fall.
A slight compromise was reached with an amendment to the motion proposed by Karen Vandenberg. After some clarification and discussion of the WIAA guidelines regarding masks for spring sports, the amendment was restated by Board President Pat McKee.
“Mandatory masks will remain in effect for all District facilities indoor until the end of the 2021 school year. However after the end of the school year, they become optional. And also effective immediately, outside activities will be optional,”.
The amendment to the motion then passed on a 7 to 2 vote. Some brief discussion was had in between the amendment and the final motion vote. During that discussion, Trollop explained why he had voted for the amendment but wouldn’t vote for the final motion.
“I think the turmoil of we’ve got 13 days of school left would be just too sudden. I’m with Dr. Hilts when he mentioned earlier in terms of our transition in the fall. I have concerns about summer school though given that it’s been basically advertised as being with masks. We’ve hired staff that were told there would be masks,”.
The final vote on the change to the masking requirement passed on a 6 to 3 vote. Masks will become optional for students and staff in the Wausau School District starting with summer school classes that begin on June 8th. The board also unanimously approved reducing social distancing from 6 feet to 3 feet for elementary students for the rest of the year.