City of Wausau. MWC file graphic
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — A public listening process on federal funding began on Wednesday afternoon.
Wednesday afternoon Wausau’s Finance Committee held a public listening session regarding the use of the American Rescue Plan Funding allocated to the City. Wausau is being allocated almost $15.6 million from the American Rescue Plan that will be split into two payments of $7 million. The first payment is set to be delivered to the City sometime this week.
At the listening session, the Finance Committee and some City staff members heard from about half a dozen residents who gave their ideas on how the money should be used. The common theme among the public comments was a want to have the money used to benefit the entire community as expressed by Mayor Katie Rosenberg. “People are interested in making sure their neighbors are lifted up.
“So what does that look like to them, it’s a little bit different. I had somebody that said, just divvy up all the money and send everyone a check. We heard from people that want affordable housing. I actually have been hearing quite a few people mention the drinking water facility and those upgrades. That’s something that I think the Finance Committee will take seriously.
“It does seem to fall by those lead laterals, that’s a good opportunity for us to consider. If we replace them at the pace we’re doing now, it would take us 30 years to replace all those lead laterals on the private side. So maybe this is an opportunity to speed that up and get it done quicker,”.
The Finance Committee also heard from some residents who represent the City on the County Board. Those who serve on the County Board talked about ways the City could partner with the County using both Marathon County’s allocation from the relief fund and Wausau’s allocation. Some of those projects included the Community Partners Campus, the West Side Project, and public health education initiatives.
The City has also gotten several emails regarding what residents would like to see the American Rescue Plan funding used for. As the City doesn’t have to devise a plan for the money immediately, Rosenberg says residents will have plenty of opportunities to voice their opinion on what to do with the funding. “We have a comment form online that people can use. I think that’s listed under our agendas area.
“I sent out a press release so its definitely in there. If you email us we’ll definitely take your comments. If you want to snail mail us. If you want to call and leave a message. However you want to give feedback, we’ve got a couple years to do this,”.
The City will also be holding virtual listening sessions in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Revenue as part of a pilot program regarding COVID-19 economic recovery. You can submit your public comments about what the City should do with its share of the American Rescue Plan here.