Wausau Alder Deb Ryan. Image courtesy: City of Wausau
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau Ethics Board will meet Monday afternoon to potentially decide further action regarding the complaint against Alder Deb Ryan filed by Wausau attorney, Marathon County Board Supervisor, and Marathon County Circut Court Candidate William Harris.
Monday’s meeting will begin at 2:30 and is agendized to cover all information received so far regarding the complaint and consideration for further action. The group could also go into closed session to confer with legal counsel on whether there is enough probable cause that Ryan committed a violation of city ordinance and if further action is warranted.
In a statement released to the media, Ryan says she doesn’t want the case to move forward until the city fills an open records request that she hand-delivered to city hall asking for communications to and from former Ethics Board member Mary Thao, who resigned her position just before the first meeting regarding the complaint. Ryan says moving the case forward before those documents are turned over and she and her attorney have time to review them would be a violation of her due process rights.
Ryan also accuses Mayor Rosenberg of trying to defeat her next month in the Spring Election where she faces Chad Henke in a contested race. She also questioned why Harris brought the matter to the city’s ethics board- where it would be heard by a group of residents appointed by Mayor Rosenberg- and not the court of law
Harris has accused Ryan of making defamatory statements against him including a claim that he provided illegal advice to Mayor Katie Rosenberg regarding the community for all resolution. Harris also accuses Ryan of trying to get him fired from his position with Wisconsin Judicare and also threatening other employees at the firm.
Harris had asked for an apology from Ryan and offered to drop the complaint if she delivered by mid-September 2021, but when she didn’t he moved forward with the complaint.