Wausau School Bell. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau School District and Wausau Police Department say there were no teeth behind a threatening message that was believed to be directed at West High School today.
According to an email sent to parents which was obtained by WSAU News, a group of students noticed the threat on social media and brought it to the attention of leaders at the school. The threat did not specifically target Wausau West High School but did mention something would happen at “West.”
That was enough to prompt district leaders to call for an expanded police presence at the school today and open an investigation with police. It was later determined that the threat was not directed at any one school, but instead was received by multiple schools in the state that have “West” in their name.
Students and staff at Wausau West were never in danger, and district officials have emphasized that the building is safe. All school threat protocols were followed, and officials added that the threat was taken seriously as any other threat would be.
“This also demonstrates the importance of students, families, and community [in] reporting concerns to police and/or school administration. We are very thankful that the reporting student came forward and shared the concerning information with a trusted adult immediately,” officials added.
The school went on to thank its partners with the Wausau Police Department for their continued partnership with the district. No further information or comment will be released at this time.