Artists sketch of what Rogers "Roger" Lee Ellis may have looked like just before he died. Image courtesy: Carbon County (MT) Sheriff Office
RED LODGE, MT (WSAU) — Investigators and forensic scientists have determined that human remains found more than 20 years ago in Montana came from a Wisconsin Rapids man.
According to the Carbon County Sheriff’s office, skull and bone fragments found along Highway 212 in 2004 belong to Rogers “Roger” Lee Elis. Scientists in Texas recently used advanced forensic-grade genome sequencing to build a DNA profile of the victim, which was run against a nationwide genealogical database.
Officials believe Elis was hitchhiking from Wisconsin Rapids to avoid punishment after he was arrested for marijuana possession in 1976. According to his family, the 22-year-old said he would be “heading west,” but was never heard from again.
Sheriff’s officials say they believe that Elis was killed after he had been picked up by someone or a group of people, who then dumped his body in Montana and continued on their way. They have not indicated when he may have been killed.
The Corson County Sheriff’s Office adds that they have opened a cold-case investigation and will be speaking to those who knew Elis in the 1970s to try to piece together his final days, and ultimately determine who killed him. They are encouraging anyone who knew or may have had interactions with Elis to contact them to arrange interviews.
Those with information are asked to call Carbon County Detective Mahoney at 406-445-7284 or bmahoney@co.carbon.mt.us.