Village of Weston
The Weston Parks and Rec committee will consider a proposed public-private partnership with the Wausau Area Disc Golf Enthusiast group for a series of upgrades to the Yellow Banks Disc Golf Course in the village.
According to agenda materials presented as part of Monday’s packet, the group has outlined five projects for the course which would be completed with funds, resources, and labor from both the Village and WADGE.
That list includes the replacement of hole signs, work on some tee boxes, and the installation of a heavy-duty donation tube along with a course map at the entrance. The proposal calls for players to offer a free-will donation of $2-$3 per day to create a revenue stream for the village. A trail cam would also be installed for security purposes.
You can see the complete list as part of Monday’s agenda packet by clicking here. The meeting begins at 5 PM at the new Village Hall on Camp Phillips Road.