Lincoln County residents at a Pine Crest Nursing Home meeting, Image courtesy: WAOW TV
MERRILL, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – The fate of Pine Crest Nursing Home in Merrill was heavily debated by the Lincoln County Board of Supervisors Tuesday, with a proposal to increase its funding ultimately denied.
Multiple dozen people showed support to fund the facility, many of whom held signs.
“Inevitably we’re going to get old, inevitably we’re going to die. When you’re suffering, it’s good to have somebody we can trust to take care of us, and Pine Crest Nursing Home is definitely that place,” said Dora Gorski of Gleason.
The facility is facing millions of dollars in maintenance costs per year, according to the resolution.
The resolution would have been a referendum to let the public decide whether or not to exceed the tax levy by $3 million per year for 10 years to help fund Pine Crest Nursing Home. The resolution would have been put on the ballot next April.
“We all have ownership of it, and I think that’s what makes this so volatile, is we’ve paid into that building. We know it’s a good building,” said Judy Woller of Merrill.
Once supervisors started discussion in front of a packed house, many of whom participated in public comment to show support, multiple amendments were proposed. Each were denied.
The vote ultimately came down to supervisors’ concerns over the funding number, logistics, and future county needs.
“We’re asking the board to approve going to the taxpayers and asking for additional revenue to fund a discretionary need versus things that are statutory needs,” said Lincoln County District 18 supervisor Ken Wickham.
“Power to the people, but be careful what you ask for because I think other voters, those not here tonight, are probably not going to be very happy about their taxes going up,” added Eugene Simon, the supervisor for District 21 in Lincoln County.
The “nay” votes outweighed the opposition 13-9.
Further discussion would require a new resolution.