Wausau City Hall. MWC file photo
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau City Council rejected a proposed multi-family housing unit near Wyatt Street and Cleveland Avenue despite prior approval from the city’s Plan Commission.
The item sparked lengthy discussion from both the Alders and city staff, with some calling it a good use of the three parcels and a way to help bring low-income housing to the area. But others weren’t as fond of the idea.
“This neighborhood should have single-family residences,” said Alder Gary Gissleman. “That’s why the zoning map is the way it is.”
Alder Dawn Herbst said adding six new housing units to the city would be a drop in the bucket when it comes to adding new housing. She suggested that planners look to other buildings and areas to fill that need.
Alder Lisa Rasmussen encouraged her peers to follow the Plan Commission’s recommendation saying they study these issues to “make a qualified recommendation.”
The vote was 7-4 in favor but the measure required 3/4 of the council to vote yes because those in the neighborhood submitted a petition against the idea.