Will the City of Wausau and the Village of Maine get together for a solar project that would power Wausau’s new drinking water treatment plant?
That’s a question that could get more examination by both municipalities in the next few months.
According to Monday’s agenda for the city’s Solar Panel Task Force, Village leaders in Maine recently discussed regulations regarding “solar array systems,” specifically mentioning Wausau’s interest in using a plot of land near the water plant for a solar farm.
A resident of the neighborhood attended that meeting and provided a recap for the task force, which is available in the agenda packet. According to their observations, the city of Wausau may have an “uphill but not insurmountable” task ahead of them when it comes to working with the Village, if that is the path that the city chooses.
Residents of the neighborhood have been pushing back against a plan to install solar panels near the plant, saying they don’t want them in their neighborhood. The city has been examining the idea to potentially bring operational costs down for the plant, as it is one of the city’s biggest electricity users.
The idea of partnering with the Village of Maine for a larger array has come up informally during public input and discussion sessions on the project, but Monday’s task force agenda marks one of the first times that the item has been formally scheduled for discussion in Wausau.
The Task Force meeting starts at 5:15 and will be held in the second-floor board room at City Hall.