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CONELY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – Joe Biden’s debate performance last week was even more problematic than first realized.
Obviously, the day after if you have to publicly state that you’re staying in the race – you didn’t win. Any Democrat who suggests otherwise was watching the Cartoon Channel by mistake last Thursday.
The White House narrative about ‘cheap fakes’ from a few weeks earlier is now laid bare. 52-million of us saw, on live TV, an aged president who looked like he was up past his bedtime. That’s the authentic Joe Biden.
So, if, as many Democrats claim, Joe Biden is no longer fit to be a presidential candidate, why is he fit to be President right now? His senility and 1,000-mile-away stare don’t miraculously appear only at campaign events. That’s day-to-day Joe Biden. Where are the calls to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove a senile old man from office right now? And there should be renewed calls from Republicans in Congress for the release of the Joe Biden special prosecutor tape, where Robert Hurr concluded that Biden was too feeble to face charges for mishandling classified documents. If so, isn’t he too feeble to serve in office. Certainly the public should get to judge that.
Consider Joe Biden’s Saturday night fundraiser in New Jersey. For even the most loyal democrats, who would give to such a candidate who might be pushed out at any moment? If the campaign cash begins to dry up, Joe Biden’s exit from politics will be hastened.
So who will replace him? (And I estimate it’s 75-to-25 that someone else will be the Democratic nominee.) Kamala Harris? Democrats are not going to swap one losing candidate for another. Her polling is abysmal. Gretchen Whitmer or JD Pritzker? Not enough name recognition; many voters don’t even know what states they’re from. Gavin Newsom? He’s the most likely swap-in, but he also has tremendous liabilities. Most people look at what’s happening in California and hope that it stays there. No one wants the Californication of their state.
Newsom is wrong on the social issues of the day. Just look at the sex-worker bill he signed earlier this year. Police can no longer charge prostitutes with soliciting. Immediately after that became law, pimps with their souped-up cars began appearing near California’s piers and beaches. With their music blaring, their woman performed roadside strip shows to solicit business. Beaches in California are no longer family friendly. A governor who sides with sex workers over mom, dad, and their kids is not electable for national office. Even at Atlantic City and Rehoboth Beach, vacationers would scream “too much.” California’s values and not America’s values. Democrats will have to confront that reality as the consider swapping out Joe Biden.
Chris Conley