WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wisconsin Legislative Council Study Committee on Artificial Intelligence held a hearing in Wausau focused on how AI can be used in law enforcement.
It’s the latest in a series of hearings on the emerging technology, which State Senator Julian Bradley says can be both exciting and troubling. “You can ask ten different people ‘what is AI?’ and you will likely get ten different answers,” says Bradley. “We are really trying to get through some of those things and talk about the impact that AI can have on our lives.”
He says the real trick involves pinning down a technology that’s constantly evolving and learning. “We’re trying to define it while making sure we have the proper guard rails against any nefarious acts and make sure consumers are portected.”
Bradley says that means allowing the technologty to work while preventing residents from having their data exposed or used against them. “We need to make sure the Government is not going to overreach and stop the growth or potential [of AI.] But we also have to protect privacy and data. I’m sure there are a lot of ideas on what AI can do, but should AI be involved is another question.
“We are a study committee. We are studying these issues first then make a determination if there is a place for the state to get involved,” added Bradly.
Some states including Colorado and California have already put AI restrictions in place. Bradley says the group is studying those as well.
Bradley is one of four Legislators on the committee. Other members come from the private sector.
Previous hearings have focused on AI’s potential role in workforce development and healthcare. Future hearings will be scheduled as well.