CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – What does the Hunter Biden pardon have to do with Advent?
Actually, a lot.
Joe Biden loves his son Hunter Biden so much that he was willing to humiliate himself by pardoning him. Joe Biden swore up and down that he would not pardon his son on tax and gun charges. And then he did. President Biden knew that, at worst, he’d be called a liar. At best, he was disingenuous. The older Biden humiliated himself so his son wouldn’t go to jail. It was, I believe, an act of love.
I get it. I’m a father. If I could spare my children any pain or suffering, I’d do it.
Now consider for a moment God and his son Jesus Christ. Our savior was sent to earth to suffer for us – to free us from our sins. It was part of the plan, preordained. Jesus would be betrayed, handed over to sinful men, and would be crucified. His blood would flow for our forgiveness.
At Christmas, these events were set in motion.
Christ’s death was unimaginably brutal… and yet God let it happen. Friends, that is revealing about God’s relationship with us. God so wants us to have eternal salvation that he sent his own son to die for forgiveness of sin. The only logical conclusion is that God loves you and me.
This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent. We light the candle of love. As John’s gospel tells us, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave[a] his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
Chris Conley