CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – The problem with the New York City subway is this: it’s a 424 station insane asylum and homeless shelter on wheels. The liberals who run the city refuse to clean it up.
If I were to take you on a tour, the long corridor that connects the Number 7 line with the Lexington Avenue line always has homeless people sleeping in cardboard on the filthy floor. Some are aggressive panhandlers. On the trains there are people like Jordan Neely. Some take up three of four seats while sleeping. Others mumble to themselves. The worst make threats.
Neely’s threat was that he was ready to kill people and wasn’t afraid of dying.
The closing argument in the trial is one that every New York subway passenger understands: who would you rather have riding the subway with you? Neely or Daniel Penny, the rider who neutralized the threat by putting Neely into a chokehold?
And, of course, in crazy New York there’s a minority that sees this is a racial hated case. One Black Lives Matter protester yelled at Penny, “hey, it’s a small world buddy – everyone knows who you are.” Another said, “what comes around goes around.”
There’s not a word about how the entire, sorry state of the New York City subway is a failure of liberalism. It is not humane to allow the mentally ill to live homeless in the subway, begging for food and sleeping in their own filth. What is humane is to tell these people that we need to get you into a housing and treatment problem to improve your situation. The last mayor to try that was Rudy Giuliani. And today he’s villainized for it. Somehow it’s better to let the Jordan Neely’s of the city roam among us. That makes no sense.
Chris Conley