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Today’s Friday on Faith comes to you from The Fairchild House in New Orleans, one of the city’s oldest Bed and Breakfasts dating back to 1798.
CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – We are coming up on the second Sunday of Lent.
Jesus said, “Behold, I made all things new.”
And, indeed, on Easter Sunday believers saw a new thing. And the disciples had seen many miracles. Jesus ordered demons out of the possessed. He healed the blind, and the deaf, and the lame. He changed water into wine. He calmed storms. He walked on water. He brought people back from the dead.
And yet even those who followed him during his three years of public ministry couldn’t contemplate that Jesus himself could overcome the grave. They saw the nails driven into his hands and feet, a spear shoved into his side. When Jesus said “it is finished,” it was thought that HE was finished. Hardly. What was finished is that He had born the full weight of our sin. Indeed that was a new thing.
Consider what Jesus makes new within us. When you choose to follow him, you will immediately feel inner peace – that a part of you, your soul – will never die. As someone who has the gift of eternal life, you’ll find a new patience in dealing with other people. You will forgive easier, as you have been forgiven. And I hope you’ll live with a new and more generous spirit.
“Behold, I make all things new.” Indeed, in Jesus the old ways pass away and we are each given a new beginning. For this Lenten season, I’ve realized that the newness in Christ is not in the world around me. It’s the change within me.
Chris Conley