WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Marathon County Health Department is warning about possible COVID-19 exposure at Showtime Gentleman’s Club between July 25th and 31st
Managers say an unidentified person worked various hours at the club four nights during that stretch before testing positive for the disease. Contact tracing has shown that person may have had close contact with several individuals who can’t be reached.
Those hours include Saturday, July 25 from 6:30 PM to 2:30 AM; Monday, July 27 from 3-10:30 PM; Thursday, July 30 from 7 PM to 12:30 AM; and Friday, July 31 from 3 PM to 10 PM.
The Marathon County Health Department is encouraging everyone present on these dates to monitor for symptoms for 14 days from their last visit to Showtime Gentleman’s Club. Common COVID-19 symptoms include fever or chills, cough, and shortness of breath.
Anyone who develops symptoms is asked to contact their healthcare provider to arrange for testing.
No further information about the individual who tested positive will be released at this time. The Marathon County Health Department continues to encourage residents to wear face coverings, remain a minimum of six feet apart from others, and wash hands or use hand sanitizer regularly to continue to slow the spread of COVID-19.