MADISON, WI (WSAU) — The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is opening up the 2020 Operation Deer Watch to the public.
The event allows any resident to report deer sightings to the DNR to help officials keep an accurate count of populations in the state, which is then used to help layout future deer hunting seasons.
“What we are particularly interested in is does and fawns,” said DNR Surveys Coordinator Brian Dhuey. “This is the public’s chance to replicate the survey that our wildlife biologists do at this time of the year.”
The survey is open to anyone and Dhuey says they’ve made it easy to participate. “There are no special requirements and residents don’t have to sign up for anything. Just go to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources website and type in ‘deer watch’ and that will take them to the survey page.”
Residents can track the deer with a tally sheet, then pass it along to the DNR online.
Any deer spotted anywhere in the morning or evening hours is eligible to be counted. Dhuey says residents should not count any animal seen after dark. Any deer captured on a trail cam should also not be counted.