David Kahl
MADISON, WI (WSAU-WDLB) –A Dane County judge on Thursday ordered a one-million-dollar cash bond for a man charged in the killing of Marshfield native Brittany Zimmermann nearly 13 years ago.
Fifty-three-year-old David Kahl is charged with first-degree intentional homicide in connection with the April 2, 2008 killing of Brittany in her Madison apartment. Members of Brittany’s family testified during the hearing. Her aunt, Kimberly Heeg, argued that Kahl should remain jailed without bond—which is not permissible under state statutes.
“I believe David Kahl should never be allowed to breathe fresh air or feel sunshine on his skin. I believe he violently murdered my niece, a young woman who was kind and wanted nothing more than to make a positive difference in this world. And he has caused constant emotional pain for me and my family for 12 years.”
Brittany’s brother Matthew also testified against bond for Kahl as well. “What is stopping him from going out and victimizing someone else? Doing what he did to my sister. I just don’t believe it’s a good idea. I think he will go out, he will victimize again. Because he has nothing to lose at this point. I don’t feel he should be let out.”
Kahl is currently jailed on unrelated charges at the Oshkosh Correctional Institution until at least November of next year.
Kahl was charged in March of this year for the murder. Witnesses told investigators they saw him in the area of Zimmerman’s Madison apartment on the day of the murder. The complaint says witnesses reported Kahl tried to get drug money by claiming he needed 40-dollars to fix a flat tire.
The complaint states the lock on Zimmermann’s door was broken. It also says that she was hit, stabbed several times, and strangled. A status conference in the case has been set for next Friday, December 11.