Village of Weston
WESTON, WI (WSAU) — Village leaders in Weston are moving to the next phases of design and construction for a new municipal hall located off Camp Phillips Road.
The new facility would replace the current Hall located on Schofield Avenue. A special committee has recommended that the project goes for bids in early 2021. Committee Chair and Retired County Administrator Mort McBain says the current building has outlived its useful life after almost 75 years of service.
“It’s showing it’s age. And things have gotten steadily worse in our building complex here on the Village site. This is an opportunity for us to put all of our Village facilities and maintenance facilities, administrative offices, all in one site.”
Plans to replace the Village Hall have been in the works since 2016 after Kueny Architects conducted a municipal facilities condition assessment. The new municipal center will have more space for equipment, bring all city departments to one location, and have new additions for residents like drive-up sites to drop off village payments.
The goal for the new municipal center is to break ground in 2021. The recommendation to put the project out for bids in early 2021 will be considered by the Board of Trustees on December 21st.